Yesterday was YouthBuild Graduation Day at YouthCare! YouthBuild is a six-month pre-apprenticeship program for young people interested in pursuing a career in the trades. It was incredibly inspiring to see the accumulation of hard work, commitment, and drive in these eleven talented young people. We are so proud of them as they move on to start apprenticeships, jobs, and post-secondary education!

The YouthBuild program is more than a pathway to a brighter future for the students who enroll—it’s a safe space for youth to realize their potential while being led by amazing and supportive staff members. Every cohort encounters challenges at first, but by the end of their six months together, they become family. As one student said, looking out at his fellow graduates, “I know we’re all going to go very far.”

“None of us knew what we were going to do with our lives…we just knew what we had to do right then and there. This program opened up our eyes to the future.”

graduate and staff smiling
YouthBuild Graduation, Dec 2018