Make a gift today!
Tonight, 1,800 young people in King County are sleeping on the streets, in cars, or in unsafe conditions. Your gift of any size will help us meet the growing need of kids as young as 12 years old, who are experiencing homelessness.
Other ways to give:
- Mail. Mailed checks can be made out to YouthCare and sent to P.O. Box 15258, Seattle, WA 98115.
- Phone. Let our main office know you would like to speak with the Development team to donate, and they will get you connected: 206-694-4500.
- Stock. Transferring stock is an easy way to make a tax-deductible investment in homeless youth. Please visit our stock transfer page for guidance on how to get started.
- Monthly giving. The YouthCare Monthly Givers are a group of dedicated and thoughtful donors who envision a world where all young people have the chance to unlock their potential and reach their dreams. Visit this page to learn more about monthly giving.
- Workplace and matching gifts. You can double or even triple the impact of your gift to YouthCare with workplace and matching gift programs. Contact your employer’s human resources office to find out if you can support YouthCare via payroll deduction or your workplace giving campaign. Your company may also match your cash donations or volunteer hours: ask your employer, or check our list of companies with matching gift programs. Does your company participate in a workplace giving program? Let us know by emailing and we’ll add them to our list!
- Legacy giving with FreeWill. Legacy giving enables you to contribute significantly to the work that is most meaningful to you and that memorializes your values. Proper planning can ensure your wishes are fulfilled, potentially lower your estate tax, and create powerful change for homeless youth. There are many ways to leave a legacy and support YouthCare through your estate:
- Name YouthCare as a beneficiary in your will. Make YouthCare a beneficiary of your life insurance policy, IRA, 401(k) or 403(b).Name YouthCare as the beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust.If you’ve already included YouthCare in your estate plans, let us know! Especially if you are designating your gift to a specific program, sharing your wishes in advance will help us honor your plans for our future.
Don’t have a will or trust? Start here!
Your will, trust, or beneficiary designation can be updated with the following information:
Legal name: YouthCare
Federal tax ID number: 91-0917079
Address: P.O. Box 15258, Seattle, WA 98115To learn more about legacy giving, email - In-Kind donation. Crucial to our collective movement to help young people rise above homelessness is security in essential needs, and empowerment to make their own decisions. Donating needed items and gift cards(opens in new window) is the perfect solution to help young people in these ways.
Thank you for supporting YouthCare. If you have questions regarding your financial gift, please contact our Fund Development team at For questions regarding in-kind giving or needed items, please contact us at