GiveBIG is back! Join us as the community comes together for this yearly event of collective generosity. Early giving is now open, leading to the official 48 hours of online giving and philanthropy on May 2-3. Read below for our top reasons to GiveBIGGER for youth experiencing homelessness in our community—and make your gift by 11:59pm on May 3rd!!
1) Because you share our belief that no young person should experience homelessness.
Every year in King County, there are approximately 3,000 – 4,000 young people experiencing homelessness. Like us, you believe that number should be zero.

Like us, you know that young people don’t grow up wanting to be homeless. They are navigating challenging circumstances beyond their control: family conflict, abuse, trauma, institutionalized racism, and intergenerational poverty. You believe, as we do, that regardless of the hand they were dealt, every young person deserves the chance to realize their potential and thrive.
2) Because supporting homeless youth today prevents homeless adults tomorrow.

More than 50% of homeless adults first experienced homelessness before the age of 25. YouthCare believes in finding solutions early in life and creating stability that can break generational cycles of living insecurities. Disrupting the continuing challenges that cause this looping cycle can redirect whole pathways that extend through generations.
You understand, along with us, that generating new trajectories that young people can build their futures and their future families on, has the power to transform communities.
3) Because all youth deserve safety and security – in housing, in employment, and in health.
YouthCare believes in building strong foundations that will hold and carry young people for a lifetime. Over nearly five decades of service, our programs have honed and zeroed in on the critical supports of stable housing, reliable employment, health of body and mind, and community connection.
Today, YouthCare continues to expand, grow, and meet the changing needs of young people in our community. We have come a long way. But we can’t end this crisis alone—we need your help.
4) Because your actions can affect the lives of young people.

Each year, YouthCare serves over 1,500 homeless young people. Whether it’s a hot meal, a safe place to sleep, a dedicated support system, a classroom, or a job, we help young people work toward long-lasting stability.
This is not possible without you.
Every gift you make shows young people that you care. Every gift you make shows young people they are not forgotten or discarded.
Because of your generosity, a young person will have the chance to build a brighter future and to know that their life matters.
5) Because every young person has potential and BIG dreams for their future.

Join the community in Giving BIG for homeless youth this year!