Pass the Runaway & Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act (S.2916/H.R.5191)

Expand protections for trafficked and LBGTQ youth and include funding for $300 million. Over 4.2 million youth and young adults experience homelessness in the United States. Since 1974, the Runaway & Homeless Youth Act has been the only federal funding tailored to the unique developmental needs of young people experiencing homelessness, yet it has not been reauthorized in almost a decade and funding levels have remained relatively flat.

Pass the Higher Education Access & Success for Homeless and Foster Youth Act (S.789/H.R.1724)

Expand supports and streamline the financial aid process for students experiencing homelessness. Homeless students face unique barriers to education, such as housing instability, lack of family supports, and histories of trauma. The HEASHFY helps these students enroll, afford, and graduate from institutions of higher education.

Pass the Homeless Children and Youth Act (H.R.2001)

Change the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s definition of homelessness and standardize the definition across federal agencies. HUD’s prioritization of people who are “literally homeless” precludes youth who are couch-surfing or unstably housed from accessing housing resources despite having no stable place to call home.

Pass the Housing for Homeless Students Act (H.R.4865/S.767)

Allow full-time students to live in housing supported by the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) if they’ve experienced homelessness in the past seven years. LIHTC programs do not allow tenants to be full-time students, with exemptions for foster youth, single parents, or parents receiving public assistance. Yet, homeless youth are not exempted, often forcing them to choose between housing or education and rendering them ineligible for scholarships.

Increase funding for YouthBuild Programs

Inrease access to apprenticeships for young people through programs like YouthBuild. Across the country, cities are struggling to fill skilled workers shortages. YouthBuild, an evidence-based pre-apprenticeship program, addresses that gap by re-engaging youth with school and preparing them for jobs in the trades

Increase funding for HUD McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants (HAG)

Fund shelter and housing programs in our community through the HAG program. The United States currently faces a shortage of seven million rental homes for extremely low-income renters, and no state in the nation has enough affordable homes for extremely low-income renters.