Summer Giving!

Support youth experiencing homelessness through the summer with gift cards for their needs!

Dear friend of YouthCare, thank you for your generosity and support! Crucial to our collective movement to help young people rise above homelessness is their empowerment to make their own decisions. Donating gift cards is the perfect solution to help young people this summer.

If donating gift cards, please contact the Donations Team at for dropoff support.  

1. Provide needed items from the Amazon Wishlist:

Provide needed items online through YouthCare’s WishList—gifts are shipped directly to YouthCare:

2. Donate the following needed items:

Provide a Meal

A warm, healthy meal keeps youth healthy and whole. Use your skills to provide delicious meals for young people in our care. See below for different ways you can ensure youth can count on nutritious meals:

Additional Thoughtful Ideas

Please send electronic gift cards to or see below for more info about shipping or dropping off your gifts.

Charity Gift Cards

Charity gift cards work like any other gift card, but instead of purchasing goods, the recipient can “spend” funds on the card in support of a charity, including YouthCare! When you buy via this link, YouthCare receives a $2 donation, and your recipient will see a special message about YouthCare.

Shop Local

Want to support young people experiencing homelessness AND local businesses at the same time? View the list below or visit the Intentionalist to find local BIPOC-owned businesses! Go here to find products from businesses that partner with YouthCare for good!