Hello YouthCare Family,

I hope this message finds you well. Today, I want to share some important updates about YouthCare and the steps we are taking to ensure we continue to serve our community effectively and sustainably. This is not just an announcement—it’s a story about our commitment to the youth we serve and the decisions we are making to secure a bright future for decades to come.

Embracing Change for a Stronger YouthCare

For 50 years, YouthCare has been dedicated to ending youth homelessness and empowering young people to achieve their full potential. Our youth services have grown and evolved. As we’ve expanded our reach and deepened our impact, we’ve recognized that we must evolve and realign our structure to better meet the needs of the communities and the youth we serve.

We’re taking meaningful steps to address gaps within our structure, ensuring that we are more efficient and effective in our work. This strategic realignment is part of a comprehensive plan to streamline our operations and strengthen our financial foundation. The changes we’re making will align our resources with our goals to ensure we can continue providing high-quality support to the young people who rely on us.

Difficult Decisions

As part of this realignment, we have had to make some very difficult decisions. I’m saddened to share that we will reduce our workforce by an estimated 25% over the next six months. This decision was not made lightly, and we are deeply grateful for the dedication and hard work of those affected. To support them through this transition, they will receive career counseling and job placement assistance. Whenever possible, employees will be offered available open positions within YouthCare. Our commitment to treating everyone with respect and compassion remains unwavering.

Staying True to Our Mission

As I look forward, our mission to end youth homelessness remains as bold as ever. We are committed to valuing young people for who they are and empowering them to achieve sustainable and bright futures. This realignment will help us:

  • Consolidate services to increase impact and efficiency.
  • Focus on delivering high-quality support and outcomes for our youth.
  • Strengthen our financial foundation to ensure we can continue our mission for years to come.

The Constellation Center

While these changes are challenging, they also pave the way for exciting new developments. One such example is the upcoming construction of The Constellation Center. This $37 million project, set to break ground in September, is a first-of-its-kind center in Seattle that will connect young people to a range of life-changing services in one place. It will include affordable housing, education, and workforce development programs, creating a comprehensive support system for our youth.

Looking Forward Together

I am optimistic about our future. Our strategic plan includes diversifying funding sources, enhancing fundraising efforts, and building strong community partnerships. These efforts are vital to maintaining our commitment to ending youth homelessness and supporting the diverse needs of young people.

As we move forward, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the contributions of the staff leaving us. Their dedication and hard work have been integral to our mission, and their impact on YouthCare and the young people we serve will not be forgotten. We are committed to supporting them during this transition.

In the coming months, I promise to update you on our progress. Your support and understanding mean the world to us and the youth we serve. Together, we can ensure that YouthCare remains a beacon of hope and a powerful force for change in our community.

Thank you for being a part of the YouthCare family. Let’s move forward stronger, more resilient, and more committed than ever to making a difference in the lives of young people.

I look forward to connecting again soon.

Warm regards,

Degale Cooper
CEO, YouthCare