Mon, 10/24/2011

When YouthCare put out a call for warm clothing, hygiene supplies, and non-perishable food, the Puget Sound Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators (opens in new window) (PSALA) responded in a big way.

Each year, PSALA selects a local service organization to partner with, in fulfillment of a mission that includes making a difference in their community, providing service opportunities to their members, and acting as a role model to other organizations interested in volunteering. YouthCare is proud to be PSALA's 2011-2012 Community Service partner.

Last week's donation was truly amazing – 8 bins full of blankets, clothing, and hygiene supplies! The new items are welcome as rain and chilly nights mark the beginning of a long, cold season. Last winter, YouthCare gave out 800 pairs of socks each week. Blankets, sleeping bags, warm clothing, and rain coats are an important part of survival.

In addition to hosting this fantastic drive, a group from PSALA also volunteered together to spruce up YouthCare's Adolescent Emergency Shelter last weekend.

Thank you to PSALA for your committment to community volunteer work, and thank you for all you are doing to help YouthCare get Seattle's homeless youth off the streets and preparing for life.

Wondering how you can help? Host a drive in your workplace, or organize a group to volunteer in one of our programs.


Supplies collected by PSALA