Wed, 11/30/2011

What does your holiday wish list look like? The youth we serve have been busily preparing theirs, and the requested items speak volumes about the lives they are working so hard to create for themselves, with YouthCare’s help.

There’s the young woman requesting a “houseplant that thrives in the shade” for her new bedroom at one of our transitional living programs. Another young woman is wishing for a “silver, heart-shaped necklace.” A young man wants a baseball cap for his favorite sports team, and another a gift card for a music store. There are requests for art supplies, headphones, journals, and the Spanish translation of Twilight. It could be any teen’s holiday list. Except for the other items: sturdy socks and underwear, sleeping bags, a tent. These wishes are a reminder that many of the youth we serve don’t yet have stability. They have to remain concerned with practical matters: staying warm, dry, and clean.

This holiday season, we hope you’ll think about our young people and their holiday wishes as you prepare for your own celebrations. Here is how you can help:

  • Check out our Wish (opens in new window)List on and help us provide a holiday surprise for our young people.
  • Host a drive for needed items, like socks, shoes, underwear, and sleeping bags. 
  • Make a gift directly to YouthCare. You can even give to YouthCare in honor of a friend or loved one – a great option for that person who has everything. Just be sure to specify their name and address in the comments section so we can send them a card notifying them of your gift.


Small Houseplant Image