On June 28, 2013, YouthCare learned that we did not receive a Federal Department of Labor grant to continue our YouthBuild program, which we've been running since 2009. In YouthBuild, young adults 18-24 who have experienced homelessness earn construction industry certifications while working to obtain their GEDs or high school diplomas. Throughout it all, students are gaining on the job experience working with Habitat for Humanity to build and refurbish affordable housing for our community.
The schedule is rigorous, and the competition to get into our YouthBuild program is fierce: nearly 100 young people applied for the 19 spots in the most recent cohort. We are proud to report that 94% of participants completed the program in 2012.
YouthCare is working to secure funds that will allow us to keep our doors open and retain our extraordinary team of dedicated staff. You can learn more about the program through this Seattle Times blog or this KING-5 piece which aired today.
We are committed to providing strong job training programs to the young people we serve, and absolutely believe that employment skills combined with education are the pathway out of homelessness. You can provide vital support to YouthCare programs like YouthBuild by making a donation today. Your contribution can have a life changing impact on the young people we serve.