YouthCare’s community living programs offer young people shared housing where they can live with peers in a staffed residential home. During their time in the house, young people build community, learn independent living skills, and work with staff to set education, employment, and long-term housing goals. YouthCare runs three community living homes for young adults, ages 18-21.

Over-18 Community Living

Catalyst at Straley House

Opened in 1989, Catalyst was YouthCare’s first community living home and one of the first housing programs on the West Coast for homeless young people ages 18-21. Catalyst is a twelve-bed residential home with an eighteen-month maximum stay. During their time at Catalyst, young people build community and work with their case manager to get connected to school and employment, and transition into permanent housing.

Isis at Ravenna House

Isis—which stands for independence, security, initiative, and success—is a ten-bed residential home for LGBTQ+ young people and allies ages 18-21 with an eighteen-month maximum stay. Isis opened in 1998 as the first housing program in Washington State to focus on the unique needs of LGBTQ+ youth. The youth named the backyard tree “Antibigga” (anti-bigotry) as a memorial to victims of hate crimes. During their time at Isis, young people build community and work with their case manager to get connected to school and employment, and transition to permanent housing.


Opened in 1999 along with Pathways, Passages is a ten-bed residential home for young people ages 18-21 with an eighteen-month maximum stay. During their time at Pathways, young people build community and work with their case manager to get connected to school and employment, and transition to permanent housing. In 2018, Passages underwent a significant remodel that added two more beds for young people.