YouthCare’s shelters offer young people immediate safety from the streets and the elements. Young people can stay for short periods of time while they work with supportive staff to either find housing or reunify with their family. YouthCare provides short-term shelter for youth, ages 12-17, and young adults, ages 18-24.

Under-18 Shelter & Services

Adolescent Shelter at Paul G. Allen Hope Center 

The Hope Center opened in 2016 following a landmark gift from the Paul G. Allen Foundation. Adolescent Shelter is a twelve-bed shelter for youth ages 12-17 who are experiencing homelessness, housing instability, or family conflict, or who are state-dependent and awaiting a foster care placement. The shelter provides nurturing trauma-informed care while working to reunify youth with their families or guardians or find safe and stable long-term housing. 

Casa de los Amigos (Casa)

Casa is a multi-bed shelter for unaccompanied, undocumented youth ages 12-17. Casa is supported by the Division of Unaccompanied Minors at the Federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). The majority of Casa’s youth are fleeing war, gang violence, human trafficking, and extreme poverty. Many of their families have been shattered by bloodshed. They arrive at Casa de los Amigos with next to nothing. Together, we work toward the goal of reuniting them with family. While they are with YouthCare, each young person receives customized supports including legal assistance, case management, physical and mental health care, and bilingual education.

Over-18 Shelter

Orion’s 20-bed Shelter

Young adults ages 18-24 can stay for up to 90 days while working toward educational and employment goals. The hours are 8pm – 8am Monday-Sunday. Please call (206) 622-5555 for more information or to check if there is an available bed.