The One Night Count is King County’s community-organized point-in-time count of individuals without shelter. We are incredibly saddened by the preliminary results of this year’s count, which show a 21% increase in unsheltered adults and children. 

Volunteer teams counted a total of 3,772 people staying outside, in vehicles, in makeshift shelters, or walking or riding buses during the ONC. YouthCare participated once again in King County’s Count Us In, a youth-focused point-in-time count conducted to capture information about the number of homeless youth and young adults in our community. Results from Count Us In will be available soon.

As a community, we must come together to create and implement effective solutions to put an end to the crisis of homelessness. To learn more about legislative solutions to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time, visit Washington Low Income Housing Alliance (WLIHA)’s 2015 State Legislative Agenda and The Mockingbird Society’s 2015 State Legislative Agenda.